myo-081: Cosette "Cozy"

Owned by MadamWoolsey
Uploaded: 6 months ago
Last Edited: 6 months ago

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Cosette roncalli


SCENT: Funnel Cake | TASTE: Funnel Cake
JoB: Entertainer/ Event Planner
Birthdate: 8/12
Height: 4'9

Cosette, or Cozy to her friends, has always attended the events hosted in Bovine Bluffs! She isn't a party girl, but she loves to be in the action of it all. She enjoys being a help to everyone. Her work with others to make sure the events are fun for every Moo, including herself, is what she does best. She normally carries a small notebook with her to keep notes on what needs to be done. But once the event is over and everything is said and done, her social battery is drained and she needs a few days to recover.

Sociable, but shy, sensitive, and caring. These are few words to describe her. She keeps it close to her chest, but she is self conscious about her body. Born with an autoimmune disease and having gone through a couple of surgeries, Cozy doesn't get intimate with any Moo. She is good with masking how she really is unless someone really knows.