Old Design Verification

Did you purchase a Pheromoo or a MYO slot before the website was made (pre 2024)? We’d love to have you on the site! Pheromoos made before Pheromoo.com still are valid, but cannot be used in the Pheromoo universe until they are verified and uploaded to the site.

Regarding Old Traits

Since Pheromoos has been reworked, there have been some adjustments to traits. If your Moo has a trait that is no longer a valid trait, they will receive the “grandfathered” trait and can keep the Mootation. The one exception is the eye pupils. These must have the oblong shape and a mod can assist in editing if needed. Later on, we may reintroduce traits into the system. If that happens grandfathered traits will be transferred to the new trait.

If you make a change to Moo with grandfathered traits, removing the trait, you cannot add them back later.



Please follow these steps so we can verify the Pheromoo and that you’re the current owner and we can add them to the site. If you can't find the original link to the sale, Pastelpastel on discord can help.

  1. Create an account on Pheromoo.com

  2. Join the Discord and go to the #old-moo-verification Channel and fill out the following form in there.

  3. A mod will either upload your Moo or contact you if there are any issues.


Pheromoos Username:
Where was the original Moo purchased?:
Link to original sales page: (if you can find it)
Toyhouse link: (if you have one)
Transparent Image of Pheromoo for the Masterlist:
List of Traits:
Were you in the old Moonie System?*

*Regarding Old Moonie System

Since the Moonie system has been reworked, it's difficult to transfer an exact amount from the old system. If you were an active user and had Moonies to your name, you will be gifted a total of 400 Moonies as a thanks for being a returning member.