Pheromoos are not magical by nature, no Pheromoo can use magic innately. However, Pheromoos may borrow a god’s magical powers if they have been granted a medallion with the god’s insignia, but even this is limited. You can find the guidelines for using and depicting magic below.
To allow a character to use magic, you must obtain and equip the Medallion to the character. At this time Medallions are account bound and cannot be traded/sold. However, they are not character-bound. We ask users not to abuse this feature and to collect additional Medallions for each Pheromoo that wishes to use magic.
Magical Items & Their Properties

Cybele’s Relief
Category: Magic
This pendant allows its wielder control over plants and natural growths. The wielder may animate plants and speed up or reverse natural growth. Magic cannot grow plants where they do not already exist.
Prohibited Uses of Magic
Transformative Magic
Any magic that would drastically change the appearance of a Pheromoo (ex: new traits without using potions to change ML art, colors or growths that were not previously on the Pheromoo)
The mod team reserves the right to change prohibited uses of magic as needed.