A Garden Pond | Green Thumb

In Events ・ By tapperhed
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Locke laid in bed, eyes dejectedly casting over the lily he had brought back from his visit with goddess Cybele, one that now laid solitary in a small glass vase by his nightstand. Any magic that had rested upon its petals swiftly dissipated as soon as the two had left the goddess' home and he had been staunchly unable to muster any himself since that day, though Cybele's request to take care of the bloom was one that still rung between his ears.

The impostor syndrome that loved to play loops in his mind reared its ugly head again, disappointed that he felt he could Only let Cybele down on her request- it wasn't exactly like he had a green thumb to begin with, and sure working nights he was Open to tending during the day but, with what space? He didn't have magic to help him anymore, leaving the tools at his disposal to be.. a studio apartment that he kept blackout curtains up in with a meager balcony; One that had little more space than a lawn chair and a small side table so it sat in relative disuse save for being a glorified drying rack.

But maybe,, he didn't need that much space? The tiny bloom wasn't taking up much as is, and sure its current housing wasn't one that was appropriate for thriving but, how much more space did one Really need to make sure it would? And add a couple more additions along the way?

Dragging himself up from the bed, Locke made his way to the balcony, shuffling himself in to face the little space that still served available. He made a few rough approximations of measurements with his forearm, then nodded affirmingly once his hunch proved correct. Well, guess it's time to go for a little shopping.

The venture ended up being one that took a number of days stretched out, all the while taking care that the water lily bloom would survive the duration. In part because the centerpiece of his little project being a small pond-like fountain that almost resembled a bird bath had it not been set so low. The fountain set up, he had also gone to the trouble of purchasing a few small pots to flank the structure against the trellis of the balcony, planting them with ivy seedlings in the hopes that they would inevitably grow to add a bit more greenery to the scene.

But that wasn't the main event, Locke returning home the final day with a pail caked in mud that matched the mess that had found himself clinging to his hooves and the fur that grew against them. Wiping his hooves on the welcome mat enough to not track inside the apartment, though with hard wood such a matter was negligible and tracking at least Some regardless was bound to be inevitable, he wasted no time in returning to the balcony to set up the goods he had foraged that morning.

A few small lily pads were procured, some carrying lilies of their own at this point in time as well as those who have yet to bloom. He had made a clear trip back from the pond where the initial lily was gathered, and though it was mostly symbolic, there was a part of him that liked the idea of returning the bloom to its friends- as silly as that may seem to any prospective onlookers. Once placed, he gingerly pulled out a few sprigs of moss he had collected in the area as well, tucking it between the crags of the false rock fountain to maybe make it come off as a little more natural. Lastly, he returned to his bedside, delicately taking the water lily in his hands to prepare for the reunion.

Nestling the water lily in the center of this arrangement, flanked by other likewise blooms in a space where it could actually thrive, Locke took a moment to admire his handiwork. Well, at the very least if the goddess Cybele doesn't take notice of his little garden, at the very least it served as a place his kobon would surely appreciate; Locke himself finding relief in how the smattering of greenery really did liven up the otherwise drab balcony. Kneeling down, he turned on the fountain, and it greeted him with the gentle bubbling of the water as it began to cascade down into the tiny pond. Might be worth it to add a few small fish, he idled to himself, though that was an affair that he would work out later.

For the time being, however, he returned inside to rinse off his hooves proper, though he chose not to retire inside permanently. Hoisting a book under one arm, he returned to the balcony to sit down at the now not so lone chair that sat out there. Silently thanking the excuse to get some fresh air now that the space seemed.. let's face it, less depressing, he cracked open the spine of the book and began idly reading.

A Garden Pond | Green Thumb
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In Events ・ By tapperhed
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Submitted By tapperhed for Green Thumb
Submitted: 10 months agoLast Updated: 10 months ago

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